Contact Us

    If you have any questions about the store or its products, please use the text box below. We'll usually reply within 24 hours.

    If you have any feedback on such things as how we can improve our site, please let us know in the text box below and we'll take it into consideration.

    Donations to Gnome Treasure are greatly appreciated. These will go towards server costs, upgrading and improving the store in general. Donate via PayPal.

    Please enter the username and email address you use for SubscribeStar. After confirming your subscription, the coupon code (for selected products) will be sent to the email address you provide.

    If you encounter any problems with the site, receiving your products after payment, or any other issues here, please let us know in the text box below. We'll try and resolve the matter as quickly as we can.

    Please use this Contact Form for all your inquiries. Select the topic and provide details.
    We will answer within 48 hours (usually sooner).
    Please Note: Some of the sections don’t work properly yet. We’re working on resolving them as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.